Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright

Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright

Bob Marley sings “Three little birds, sit by my window, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true…” He was caught up in a moment. One never hears that song and not envision the early morning sun rising and shedding its rays through a little window. See the 3 little birds chirping away and imagine lying on a bed and watching the morning come alive.

It’s a beautiful song with limited lyrics. I have often thought of the simplicity of the song, yet the immense messages it carries. Life has its moments but sadly we generally see it in hours and days therefore missing the small messages that filter by in an effort to comfort us, embolden us, give us hope and soothe our ragged nerves. We struggle through each day, stuck behind desks, people, cars, bills, family, chores, every distraction that stacked on top of each other makes a day “productive”.

Where do the moments go? How do we slow things down to regain the energy, the joy and the lifeforce of the universe? I understand the fact that 3 little birds might not find their way to our windowsills especially if we live in a City of skyscrapers, concrete, and diversions of the natural pathways to the purity of our more organic resources. Nature can’t be stopped however, and moments find a way regardless. The sun still streaks it’s light behind, through and around elements, it still bounces off rivers and bridges. Birds still fly overhead, and clouds, rain, lightning, and moons still hover above us.

We must look to see. Moments happen all the time. A smile from a stranger, a giggle from a baby, a cat rubbing against your ankle. This is how we pause time; we pay attention, and we absorb the naturalness of nature and life as it goes by. We pull from that the energy to keep us hopeful, alive, in love and thankful.

It’s the sound of beauty that captivated Bob, the blessing of waking up and having the opportunity to hear the Universe, the One, God speaking to him in a language that we all can understand. He was filled with hope as he knew that “every little thing’s gonna be alright” because how can it be wrong when it’s so right? When you can relax in the middle of moments and absorb the beauty that no man can recreate organically, the love and energy flows through you like blood flowing through your veins, and you can feel it. It fills your chest and lightens your load. It doesn’t erase your bills or your family issues or your exhaustion, but it gives you the resolve and the strength to shake off the load, and deal with the way you may choose to carry it.


Here’s a link to the song if you are unfamiliar with it.

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