

Life is an orchestra. Many of us aspire to be awake and aware, we want to find our “place” on this earth. The quest is to understand where we stand, what part we play and how to be the best we can be while utilizing the gifts we’ve been given.

No one is without a purpose; the frustrations come at times because when we are in search of something more in this life, we might overthink it, not see how we fit in and miss the opportunities that present themselves. The truth is, we may already have been living our purpose, or we may have already been presented with the same opportunities repeatedly and we just haven’t recognized the pattern.

What we should understand is the fact that every role in the orchestra is important.

You may be the instrument, which means you find yourself being used to influence, guide, or affect the lives of creatures great or small. This means as an instrument you must listen, be without ego and allow yourself to be guided, to be played how and when the time is right. As an instrument your path will be laid out for you.

Then you might be the one who plays the instrument. You are given the insight to understand what is needed and are always present or presented with the how and the when. You will be guided to understand timing and faced with the choices of who will deliver the correct “note” for the situation, but your instincts will guide you.

No less important are the very chairs that are needed for all players in the orchestra. Who supports you needs to be secure, reliable, and constant. Without balance and a place to rest, your production is weak. People who are resilient, strong willed and willing to be there are integral in the strength of life. If you are a chair, you are well chosen for the job of life. People look to you to keep them focused and comfortable as they move towards goals, or struggle with keeping life together; they rely on you to just be there for them.

What if you are a conductor? Does it mean you are supposed to control others? No. You might find yourself being the friend that watches out for your friends, the one who is honest with them always, letting them know when they are wrong, always encouraging them in their endeavors. If you are a conductor you recognize the potential of others and might find yourself many times in a position of organizing, tweaking, and being insightful when it comes to how things affect or detract from the whole. Your gift is to strengthen while allowing the beauty and qualities of life to shine through in the best way possible.

Whether we take the time to understand what we have been called to do or not, becomes the difference between wandering through life trying to fill gaps, as opposed to embracing what seems to fall before you time and time again. Our gifts/purposes will rise to beckon us but if we have a preconceived idea of what we should be doing or what we would prefer to be doing in the grand scheme, we may never feel as if we fit in or that we are accomplishing enough to fill our souls. If you do join the orchestra in a true calling, the harmony will fill you and you will understand by the virtue of connection.

We can’t be everything and we all need each other to complete the music. It doesn’t have to be huge things, and it doesn’t need to be contrived just understood. Life dances around us daily, from the ground up it pulses; insects hum, flowers release perfumes, children laugh, leaves rustle and soft winds caress us. Being alive is giving yourself to the rhythm and the pulse, keeping in touch with each other physically and spiritually, while being aware every time and all the time, that we are one beautiful never-ending symphony that plays more beautifully each time one more of us joins the theater!


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