

Clutter is a word mostly associated with our environment. We want to lessen the clutter in the closet, on our desks, in the garage. What tends to happen is we get to a point where this “clutter” is now infringing on our space, our lifestyle, or is preventing us from starting anew. Clutter becomes an obstacle in our lives always, it reduces movement, expansion and takes away the ability to see anything but that.

What I have been very aware of for many years is that clutter of the mind is an even greater obstacle. Clutter of the mind is dangerous as there is almost no limit to what we can store up there. The space is immeasurable, and we are not as aware of that obstacle course until our lives start to become a confused, anxious, and out of control maze.

We must examine and constantly evaluate the things we are holding on to that no longer serve us. There are too many types of clutter to mention here as for each person they can take on various combinations of living, hues of emotions and tones of desperation. Clutter cannot be a good thing. Imagine if you are thinking of purchasing a new car, but spent days, weeks, months learning about the engines of the 6 cars you are interested in. Imagine getting so involved in the idea of each car, the color, how you will modify it. You could very well find that 4 months later you are no closer to having a car. Maybe you didn’t need a car as much as you thought.

Life has very few guarantees. We can easily clutter our minds with wanting too much or being too much at once. We can sit with the idea of things or lifestyle or what ifs, and all they do is pile up and remain endless thoughts. Life moves forward and we can’t have it all, do it all or be all. The best we can do is try to focus on what is attainable and release the clutter. Getting stuck in the mind is dangerous as we forget time. Holding space for things that distract us from the things we can achieve or act on in the now, prevents us from expanding.

Try to fill your mind with things that you can do now. It’s ok to dream and to have goals or aspirations but you should also do the gardening. Pick out the weeds. When you stop moving, feel confused or frustrated with the dreams or ideas then check in. Why can’t I close the t-shirt drawer? Usually that’s when I decide to get rid of some…too many and I’ve run out of room. Use your time wisely and observe as the universe opens for you. Take care of the clutter that traps you physically as well as mentally. Be free to hear the universe’s suggestions, see the pathways to success and happiness, and never regret letting go of things or people that don’t serve to support, nurture, and add to your life positively.

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